
Traveling to Israel is an experience that any believer should do when you can team up with a safe group. It was an honor to go with the Lamb Family and the Daystar TV group where we saw Masada, The Dead Sea, The Wailing Wall, Bethlehem, The Eastern Wall, The inner city and many other Holy sites. Anytime I have the chance to be with the Lamb Family is always a blessing. What a humbling experience to speak at the Garden Tomb right near Calvary. Being able to see this place is greater than any Sunday School Teacher or Preacher can ever explain - it's truly like the Bible comes to life as you see the same sights Moses saw, as you walk the same steps where Jesus walked, as you take a boat ride in the Sea of Galilee and breathe in the fresh air coming over the Mount of Olives.
When I was a little girl my family took us on mostly education vacations: for example we would visit the home of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Colonial Williamsburg. I remember when we were sitting in our History classes growing up learning about our Presidents that I would have a memory of a physical place where the lesson had taken place. The educational trip had caused the intangible President come alive, become real, it had created a physical realness to the subjects we were learning about. This is how I felt (except for on a whole other level) when stepping foot off of the airplane in Israel. Seeing the stories of the Bible in real life was almost like the proof - these are real places, the stories were about real people, and a lot of the remains of buildings we learn about in the Bible are still standing today! The Bible went from black and white as we read it in the Bible text form to a story of full color with living plants and real buildings where these real people lived their lives and serve our Savior, it all truly came alive.