Making Homeschool Easy

This is a cut to the chase post.
If you're anything like me then you don't have much time or desire for scrolling and reading through a post like this - so for your sake and mine I'm going to cut to the chase.
Here are the top few things that have made homeschooling easy! I consider this list a "Get Started Quick" list as I definitely have a more broad list of great additional things you can add to make home education wonderful. This is just a few easy tips to make things...well... easy. You can click on these items and buy them to add to your arsenal of easy go-to's for your homeschool routine. I only share items I have actually used and loved. I started doing this because I was already sharing with people the things I love... now I've just made it a little more official! #Ad Enjoy!
** Quick note: You don't have to have most of the things you may think you need in order to homeschool. You don't have to have a fancy homeschool room and all of the things! Are those things nice? Yes. Are they necessary? No. I will write a more in depth post about this sometime, but in the meantime don't be afraid to take that leap of faith just because you think you don't have all that you think you need. A dedicated parent with a great curriculum and kitchen table or outside picnic blanket will work just fine. These are just a few things that I've found have made it easier for us.
Morning Menus - Perfect for putting reusable pages in and writing with dry erase markers if you want to save pages for another use or another child at a later time. We personally use these as our first morning go-to's where I have items like a calendar, weather, practice writing their names and more. This begins our day and gives them something familiar to do while I prep the next lesson or activity. Click Here For Morning Menus
2. "Lesson Videos" or iPad holder - We don't do screen time in our household so when we selected a video lesson curriculum for one of the subjects I wanted a iPad holder that would serve more as if they were watching the lesson on a tv and not something to have in their lap within reach. I searched for a holder without a keyboard and that would be solid enough to stand on the table alone any way I needed it to turn. This is the one we chose and love! Click Here For iPad Stand
3. Bogg Bag - Or as I call it, my Mary Poppins bag! I use the largest Bogg Bag as my school bag so that it's easy to pick up and do school outside, on the porch, in a different room, at the beach house, at the grandparents house or wherever! The kids have their backpacks and I have my Bogg Bag that holds all of the extras that are required for a great homeschool day like their craft supplies, chargers, bluetooth speaker, travel whiteboard, extra fun curriculum books for when we finish the regular subjects, etc. Click Here for the Bogg Bag
4. Traveling White Board - We use this a million times a day. There is always a quick need to explain something by writing it out on the white board and I love having one big enough to explain but small enough to travel in my Bogg Bag.
5. Sony Bluetooth Speaker - We have one curriculum that has video lessons for a couple of subjects. We are a mostly screen free family, so we have minimized this as much as possible. On rare occasion we use headphones but most of the time we amplify the sound of the lesson so that I can hear what's being taught in the event that I need to tend to another child. It also helps the child listening to the lesson be more engaged because the sound is more loud and clear. It also is loud enough to where the younger children are listening and sometimes following along learning some of the same things big brother is learning. It's great to toss into the Bogg Bag and go. We have two of these, one small and one large.
6. Yearly Notebook - We work out of several curriculums. One comes as pre-bound books but the other I selected for it to come unbound so that I could organize each subject into one notebook. I have a parent version of the notebook that I assembled and organized to divide each month and each subject. This gave me a good idea of what would need to be accomplished per month in order to complete it properly within our time limit. Then, I have a second notebook for my child where I simply take out the months tab from my parent notebook and place in their notebook for that month only.

7. Homeschool Planner - I have enjoyed this homeschool planner because of how it lays out the subjects. It has a lot of great info in it for first time homeschool parents and helps me keep track and record of all that we've done each day. Check out this Homeschool Planner
8. Glass Dry Erase Board - If you are in need of a dry erase board, this one adds simplicity and meets the need.
I have new posts in the making of our book lists and great manipulatives that we use! The important part to remember is that it's not about the stuff it's about the heart behind it. None of this stuff is necessary but it is a few of the things that have made this journey a bit easier.